Apr 22, 2010

Shashi Tharoor continues to get support from people

Notwithstanding his inglorious exit from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's Council of Ministers, the fan following of former Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor is swelling by the day with more and more people world over throwing their weight behind him.

Mr Tharoor, who resigned on Sunday night following pressure from his Party, has so far got nearly 12,000 pledges from people all over the world asking him not to buckle under any pressure. The pledges, posted on www.SupportTharoor.org, urge him to continue in politics.

Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, who was Shashi Tharoor's Chief when he (Mr Tharoor) was an Under-Secretary General at the UN, calls upon Indian people to support good politicians including Rahul Gandhi and Tharoor. ''Hi 1.2 billion+people of India. If you think you live in a democratic country, then you are 100 per cent wrong. You vote for the election once in 5 years. And for 5 years the country belongs to your politicians. They enjoy for 5 years. So if you think india is democratic, think again. So why don't you people support good politicians like Rahul, Tharoor, Nitish, Omar. Go support them, I as a Ex-UN chief will be deeply obliged. Thanks,'' the message posted in the name of the former Secretary General said.

Archana B, Bergen from Norway said ''its tough to swim in the murky waters without getting dirty. But hopefully you will not give up on the hope you have ignited in the millions and will continue you career in politics.'' Fiza from Birmingham said,''we know you are the one difference we all wanted, please go on, now we need you more than ever!'' Zaheer Ahmed from Abu Dhabi said, ''you will bounce back and come out with flying colours. We held and still hold you in high esteem. But may be the Congress does not deserve you.'' The message also came in from all over the country, mainly Kerala.

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