Oct 24, 2016

Uniform Civil Code - Guidance for filling up the Questionnaire

How to Fill up the Questionnaire on Uniform Civil Code (UCC)
This is how I completed the online form. This is only to provide some guidance and you may choose a different answer if you feel so.


Law Commission of India - Questionnaire on Uniform Civil Code (UCC)
All these questions are typed as shown @ Law Commission of India website
All your answers will go to lci-dla@nic.in
Email address *
(Enter your email address here)

Q.1. Are you aware that ARTICLE 44 of the Constitution of India provides that "The State shall endeavour to secure for the Citizens a Uniform Civil Code throughout the territory of India" ? *
(Click only here) √ Yes

In your view, does this matter require any further initiatives ?

(See answer below. You may copy from here and paste it into the form)
Uniform civil code should be made applicable to all citizens of Bharat irrespective of their religion, caste, creed or ethnicity. Any other existing acts or rules in contravention with UCC should be nullified.

Q.2. The various religious denominations are governed by personals laws and customary practices in India on matters of family law, should the UCC include all or some of these subjects ? *
(Tick all)
√ Marriage
√ Divorce
√ Adoption
√ Guardianship and Child custody
√ Maintenance
√ Succession and
√ Inheritance
It should Further Include
It should Exclude

Q.3. Do you agree that existing personal laws and customary practices need codification and would benefit the people *
(Click only here) √ Personal Laws and customary practices should be replaced by uniform code
    Personal Laws and customary practices should be codified to bring them in line with fundamental rights

Q.4. Will uniform civil code or codification of personal law and customary practices ensure gender equality *
(Click only here) √Yes

Q.5. Should the uniform civil code be optional *
(Click only here) √ No

Q.6. Should the following practices be banned and regulated? *
(Click all)
√ Polygamy (Banned/Regulated)
√ Polyandry (Banned/Regulated)
√ Similar customary practices such as Maitri-karaar (friendship deed) et al. (Banned/Regulated)

Q.7. Should the practice of triple talaaq be *
(Click only here) √ Abolished in toto
         Retained the custom
         Retained with suitable amendments

Q.8. Do you think that steps should be taken to ensure that Hindu women are better able to exercise their right to property, which is often bequeathed to sons under customary practices? *
(Click only here) √ Yes, Hindu women must be made aware of this right and measures should be taken to ensure that women, under pressure from family do not forego their property.
No there are adequate protection in the existing law
Legal provisions will not help in what is primarily a cultural practice, steps have to be taken so sensitise the society instead

Q.9. Do you agree that the two-year period of wait for finalising divorce violates Christian women's right to equality ? *
(Click only here) √ Yes, it should be made uniform across all marriages
No. This period is sufficient and in-keeping with religious sentiments.

Q.10. Do you agree that there should be a uniform age of consent for marriage across all personal laws and customary practices ? *
(Click only here) √ Yes
     No, customary laws locate this age at the attainment of puberty
      The prevailing system of recognising "voidable' marriage is sufficient

Q.11. Do you agree that all the religious denominations should have the common grounds for divorce ? *
(Click here only) √ Yes
      No, cultural differences must be preserved
      No, but there should be the same grounds for divorce available for men and women within personal law

Q.12. Would uniform civil code aid in addressing the problem of denial of maintenance or insufficient maintenance to women upon divorce? *
(Click only here) √ Yes

Give Reasons for your answer to this question
(See answer below. You may copy from here and paste it into the form)
Current personal laws do not address this issue

Q.13. How can compulsory registration of marriages be implemented better *

(See answer below. You may copy from here and paste it into the form)
Everything else should be made illegal and provision should be made to punish defaulters.

Q.14. What measures should we take to protect couples who enter into inter-religion and inter-caste marriages? *

(See answer below. You may copy from here and paste it into the form)
Uniform Civil Code should address all issues relating to these type of marriages

Q.15. Would uniform civil code infringe an individual's right to freedom of religion ? *
(Click only here) √ No

Give Reasons for your answer to this question *

(See answer below. You may copy from here and paste it into the form)
All citizens of our Nation should be treated equally under law. Everything else is discriminatory even if it is in the name of religion.

Q.16. What measures should be taken to sensitise the society towards a common code or codification of personal law? *

(See answer below. You may copy from here and paste it into the form)
Elaborate awareness campaign by the Government and other agencies working in the field of social reformation.

The last part is your personal information like your name address etc.
After filling up everything SUBMIT the form by clicking the button.
Then will get an acknowledgement slip.
You can choose to edit the already provided information if you feel to do so.

Now that you learned how to Fill up the form, please click the link below to go to the online site to Fill up and submit the form. A separate window will be opened so that this page will remain open and you can come back and refer to this when ever you have any doubt.

After successful filling up and submission of the form you will get a message as shown below.

Best Regards
S J R Kumar
State President
Vishva Hindu Parishad

Oct 22, 2016

Happy Birthday Amitshah ji

A special video dedicated to BJP National President Shri AmitShah on his birthday.